How much spicy taste do you eat to be good?

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Spicy taste should be seasoned to the right level. not too spicy. If eating chili or other condiments. That has a spicy taste and feels painful, mouth burning, burning stomach, should stop eating and drink water to reduce irritation from chili food. That may occur in the gastrointestinal tract and stomach.

pregnant woman Patients with diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, enteritis, diarrhea, food poisoning , etc., should not eat spicy food. because it may make the symptoms of the disease worse Including patients with fever, recent surgery, should temporarily refrain from eating spicy food UFABET 

How to eat food that helps maintain the stomach

  1. not eating too much
  2. Don’t eat too much oily food. Contribute to gastrointestinal disease
  3. Eat the right foods with fiber. Anyone who rarely eats fruits and vegetables that contain dietary fiber, gradually increase the amount of food consumed in each meal. Each day little by little Let the stomach gradually adjust.
  4. Drink enough water ( >> Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is really just for the body? )
  5. eat meals on time

Eating spicy food causes gastritis ?

Stomach disease can occur for many reasons. This is mainly caused by taking certain medications that impair the protection of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. or loss of stomach Another part is not eating on time. Eating spicy food is the only factor that can irritate the stomach. It can cause a burning sensation in the stomach. Especially those who already have stomach disease symptoms. will make your stomach feel even more burning